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May 6th 2024

ChatGPT for recruiters: best pracitces

ChatGPT for recruiters: best pracitces

Oliver Keell

Described as the pioneer in the AI revolution, ChatGPT is used by 180 million people worldwide. It has changed the dynamic of many industries, including recruitment. 

Those who can master and harness the power of ChatGPT will overtake those who haven’t implemented it into their recruiting process. 

So here, we’ll dive into the best uses for recruiting and how to master the art of prompting.

Let’s get to it. 

Where to use ChatGPT in your recruiting process

Here are the best use cases for using ChatGPT for recruiting. 

Crafting compelling job descriptions  

Struggling to write job descriptions that resonate with qualified candidates?  ChatGPT can analyze industry trends and competitor postings to generate descriptions that attract the right fit. It can tailor language to specific demographics and highlight the most attractive aspects of the role and company culture.

Example prompt: "Please draft a compelling job description for a [Job Title] position at our company. [Details about the Company] Highlight the key responsibilities, required qualifications, and any other pertinent details that would attract top-tier candidates to apply.

Pre-screening questions

ChatGPT can pre-screen candidates by analyzing their resumes and conducting initial text-based interviews. It can answer basic questions, assess skills and experience, and even schedule follow-up interviews based on pre-determined criteria.

Best prompt: "Hey ChatGPT, could you please conduct a pre-screening interview with this candidate? Ask them about their relevant experience, skills, and motivations for applying for the position. Feel free to inquire about their availability, salary expectations, and any other pertinent details. Once you've gathered enough information, provide a summary of their qualifications and suitability for the role."

Business development emails

Hiring managers and companies are inundated with thousands of emails from recruiters per day looking to get on new clients. You can utilize the AI to help you generate emails that stand out.

Best prompt: "Please draft an email to {Type of company}  that introduces our recruitment services, highlights our unique value proposition, and encourages the recipient to schedule a call or meeting to discuss further. Tailor the message to resonate with the recipient's industry and address any pain points or challenges they may be facing. Remember to keep the tone professional, engaging, and personalized."

Pro tip: Try an AI-powered customization feature that lets you combine regular text templates with AI commands for one-touch personalization.

Interview questions

The AI module can generate interview questions tailored to specific roles and experience levels. It can also create questions that assess cultural fit and soft skills, leading to a more well-rounded evaluation.

Best prompt: “Please craft a series of open-ended questions that delve into their relevant experience, skills, problem-solving abilities, and cultural fit with our organization. Consider asking about specific projects they've worked on, challenges they've overcome, and their approach to collaboration and teamwork. Aim to uncover not only their technical competencies but also their communication style, attitude, and potential for growth within the role.”

Candidate assessments

Evaluating written assessments can be time-consuming. ChatGPT can analyze candidates against a job description to help you make better decisions on candidate selection. Make sure to parse or copy and paste the candidate’s resume along with the job description into the prompt.

Best prompt: “Please review the resume against the job description for relevant experience, skills, and qualifications related to the position we're hiring for. Additionally, evaluate the candidate's overall fit for our company culture and team dynamics. Provide insights on strengths, areas for development, and any red flags that may warrant further consideration. Finally, offer recommendations on whether to proceed with scheduling an interview or explore other candidates.”

Employer branding content

Craft compelling content to showcase your company culture and attract top talent. ChatGPT can help create social media posts, blog articles, and even interview videos that highlight your company's unique offerings and employee experience.

Best prompt: “Craft engaging social media posts, blog articles, or website copy that highlights our team's achievements, employee testimonials, career growth opportunities, and work-life balance initiatives. Tailor the content to resonate with our target audience and reflect our brand identity. Let's inspire candidates to join our team by showcasing what makes us a great place to work!"

Responding to emails

Get instant, compelling responses to emails from candidates and clients by copying the content of the email into ChatGPT and asking for a response.

Best prompt: “Please review this email and address all the points raised by the sender. Provide a clear and concise response that acknowledges their inquiries, offers any necessary information or clarifications, and maintains a friendly tone throughout. Feel free to personalize the response based on the sender's tone and context.”

Technical tests

Create technical tests to assess the skill level of your candidates.

Best prompt: “I'm tasked with creating a technical test for candidates applying for a [specific role]. Can you assist in designing a comprehensive test that evaluates the candidate's proficiency in relevant technical skills and problem-solving abilities? The test should consist of a mix of theoretical questions and practical exercises, covering key concepts and tools essential for success in the role. Ensure that the test is challenging yet fair, and provides candidates with an opportunity to showcase their expertise.”

Market research

ChatGPT can help you identify new businesses to prospect after, giving you a list of all relevant companies in your niche that may want your recruitment services. 

Best prompt: “We are a {tech} recruitment company looking for new leads. Can you assist in conducting thorough market research to identify prospective companies that align with our target market? Please gather data on 100 {SaaS companies} in {California}. Include information such as company size, location, industry focus, and any relevant news or trends. Provide a comprehensive list of potential leads along with insights for our outreach strategy.”

Note: Ask this question in bites as the engine won’t be able to give you more than 100 quality leads at a time. 


ChatGPT can help create personalized onboarding materials and even design chatbots to answer frequently asked questions and guide new employees through their first days.

Best prompt: “We're in the process of developing onboarding material for our new hires and want to ensure it's comprehensive and engaging. Can you assist in creating informative onboarding content that covers our company's mission, values, culture, policies, and procedures? Please include an overview of our organizational structure, key team members, and departmental functions. Additionally, provide guidance on our company's history, goals, and expectations for new employees. The material should be easy to understand and tailored to help new hires integrate smoothly into our organization.”

How to craft the best prompts

The effectiveness of ChatGPT largely depends on the prompts provided to it. The more you put into it, the more information it will have to work with to generate better responses. However, you don’t want to overwhelm it with too much information. 

Here are a few ways to prompt better. 

1. Specificity 

Explain what you want as if you’re talking to an assistant. 

A typical  ChatGPT prompt would look like this: 

“I’m recruiting a data scientist for a biotech company. Please write a compelling job description”

However, for best results, you should add specific instructions: 

“As the hiring manager, your task is to write a compelling job description for a data scientist role at our biotech company. The job description should cover the following key points:

  • A brief overview of the company 

  • The key responsibilities and day-to-day activities of the data scientist role

  • The skills, qualifications, and experience required for the role

  • Any nice-to-have skills or experience that would make a candidate stand out

  • Details about the team the data scientist will be working with

  • The benefits and perks of working at our company

Write the job description in a clear, concise, and engaging way to attract top talent to the role.

Use relevant industry terms that data science professionals will relate to.

Structure the job description with subheadings to make it easy to read and digest.

Aim for a length of around 400-600 words.”

Notice the difference between the two prompts. One is generic and the other outlines exactly what is required with no ambiguity. 

2. Set the tone

Do you want a formal report, a casual email, or a humorous email? Specify the tone you're aiming for to guide ChatGPT's writing style.

Example: "Write an email congratulating the candidate for landing the job. Make it humorous and exciting"

3. Use examples

Sometimes, showing is better than telling. Provide ChatGPT with examples of the kind of output you're looking for, whether it's a specific writing style, format, or content structure.

Example: “Here is a well-written job description for an ML engineer- Use the same style and write one for a Product Manager for the same company.”

4. Embrace iteration

Don't be afraid to experiment and refine your prompts. Start with a basic prompt and see what ChatGPT generates. You can then adjust your prompt based on the initial response.

Example: “I like the first part of that ‘About us’ section you wrote but I want you to rewrite the ‘our key strengths’ part and elaborate on our step-by-step recruiting process”

5. Break down complex tasks

If you have a complex task, consider breaking it down into smaller, more manageable prompts.

This will help ChatGPT understand your request more clearly and deliver better results. Don’t be afraid to use bullet points as well. 

For instance, if you're asking ChatGPT to create onboarding material for new hires, you can break it down into smaller prompts like:

“I’m creating new onboarding material for new hires and need you to write the following: 

  • Introduction: Provide an overview of our mission, values, and culture.

  • Policies and Procedures: Detail our policies on areas such as time off, benefits, and code of conduct.

  • Company History: Share the company's background, milestones, and achievements.

  • Goals and Expectations: Clarify the company's goals and what is expected of new employees.”

By breaking down the task into these smaller prompts, you'll make it easier for ChatGPT to understand each component and generate more accurate and relevant responses.


Here are a few other tips for utilizing ChatGPT to its best:

  • Make sure you categorize threads for different purposes, i.e. job descriptions, resumes, etc

  • You can ask the AI to model their answers based on people or brands. Example: “Write an employee benefits package similar to Google’s”, or “Write an about us section using Elon Musk’s tone of voice.” 

  • You can also ask the AI to format the response in a way that makes it easy to copy and paste. Example: "Format this as a bulleted list" or "Write this in HTML table format"


The more you practice and iterate on your prompts, the better your responses will be. The AI will take time to understand your writing style and will gradually get better the more you use it.

By following these tips and refining your approach, you can transform ChatGPT from a simple language model into a valuable asset in your workflow.

If you’re looking for an all-encompassing tool that leverages the power of AI, look no further than Juicebox. Juicebox’s advanced AI has a ton of the above features already built in including personalize outbound at scale, summaries of resumes and JDs, and a search generation feature that allows you to scour the web for the perfect candidate.

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