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Smart searches are built on Insights
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Introducing PeopleGPT, the AI search engine that understands who you're looking for. Purpose-built for recruiting, customer discovery, research and more.
Trusted by 300+ CUstomers

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Full stack developer with 8+ years experience in San Francisco showing current company?
Full stack developer with 8+ years experience in San Francisco showing current company?
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Great! Here’re top 10 current employers in your search pool (covers 24%)

39 (44%)

39 (32%)

Reddit, Inc
Reddit, Inc
32 (26%)

25 (17%)
“Juicebox has been very helpful for finding candidates who have experience scaling companies, as it lists the fundraising rounds that occurred during the candidate’s tenure at their companies. It makes checking for ‘scaling’ experience much more time efficient.”

Talent Associate, Leading Private Equity Firm
“Juicebox has been very helpful for finding candidates who have experience scaling companies, as it lists the fundraising rounds that occurred during the candidate’s tenure at their companies. It makes checking for ‘scaling’ experience much more time efficient.”

Talent Associate, Leading Private Equity Firm
“Juicebox has been very helpful for finding candidates who have experience scaling companies, as it lists the fundraising rounds that occurred during the candidate’s tenure at their companies. It makes checking for ‘scaling’ experience much more time efficient.”

Talent Associate, Leading Private Equity Firm
Top 10 current employers in your search pool (covers 24%)

39 (44%)

35 (32%)

Kayla Victoria
AI/ML Developer
Atlanta, GA

Liam Thompson
Senior full stack developer
New York, NY
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"The functionality of Juicebox has revolutionized our candidate search process. I am able to find prime candidates with laser accuracy when searching for niche backgrounds. From AI search to Talent Insights, it has been been a home run success for our team."

Noah Sanford
Sourcer at Gauntlet
"The functionality of Juicebox has revolutionized our candidate search process. I am able to find prime candidates with laser accuracy when searching for niche backgrounds. From AI search to Talent Insights, it has been been a home run success for our team."

Noah Sanford
Sourcer at Gauntlet
"The functionality of Juicebox has revolutionized our candidate search process. I am able to find prime candidates with laser accuracy when searching for niche backgrounds. From AI search to Talent Insights, it has been been a home run success for our team."

Noah Sanford
Sourcer at Gauntlet
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“Juicebox has been a stellar addition to our Recruiting tech stack. We stopped sourcing through LinkedIn Recruiter and began solely using Juicebox."

Colin Kusz
Recruiter at Mindbloom
“Juicebox has been a stellar addition to our Recruiting tech stack. We stopped sourcing through LinkedIn Recruiter and began solely using Juicebox."

Colin Kusz
Recruiter at Mindbloom
“Juicebox has been a stellar addition to our Recruiting tech stack. We stopped sourcing through LinkedIn Recruiter and began solely using Juicebox."

Colin Kusz
Recruiter at Mindbloom
Who can use Juicebox?
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Is PeopleGPT a part of the Juicebox platform?
Where can I learn more about how to use Juicebox?
Is there a monthly plan available?
Does Juicebox have global candidate data?
Will it integrate with my ATS or CRM?
How is Juicebox different from LinkedIn, or other sourcing solutions?
How long does it take to set up and start using Juicebox?
Can I use Juicebox with my team?
Can I export profiles?
Who can use Juicebox?
Can I try Juicebox for free?
Is PeopleGPT a part of the Juicebox platform?
Where can I learn more about how to use Juicebox?
Is there a monthly plan available?
Does Juicebox have global candidate data?
Will it integrate with my ATS or CRM?
How is Juicebox different from LinkedIn, or other sourcing solutions?
How long does it take to set up and start using Juicebox?
Can I use Juicebox with my team?
Can I export profiles?
Who can use Juicebox?
Can I try Juicebox for free?
Is PeopleGPT a part of the Juicebox platform?
Where can I learn more about how to use Juicebox?
Is there a monthly plan available?
Does Juicebox have global candidate data?
Will it integrate with my ATS or CRM?
How is Juicebox different from LinkedIn, or other sourcing solutions?
How long does it take to set up and start using Juicebox?
Can I use Juicebox with my team?
Can I export profiles?