Dec 11, 2023

Announcing PeopleGPT 2.0

Announcing PeopleGPT 2.0

By David Paffenholz

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Today, we're launching PeopleGPT 2.0, the largest update in our history — with dozens of major features:

All-New AI Search Method

Introducing our new two-step search engine. First, select filters with AI. Second, ask questions across your entire set of matching profiles — up to hundreds of millions. PeopleGPT will rank candidates that best match your request, while writing out a description of their matching criteria.

Read more about the Method here.

4x Faster Search Speeds

Tired of waiting for profiles or text to load? PeopleGPT is now 4x faster, enabled by major infrastructure upgrades and AI-model improvements. Try it for yourself — and feel the speed.

Profile Feed

Preview profiles in the center of the search interface: view their work and educational background, and read the AI spotlight of why they are a good fit. Take actions, like shortlisting or summarizing, from your main search feed.

Smart Profile Summaries

Need to send a profile summary to a colleague, hiring manager, or client? Easily access concise profile summaries in your preferred format. Choose between bullet points, a short paragraph, or detailed notes.

Enhanced Profile Details

Even more data sources, profile details, and AI-inferred skills. Click into a profile to show more details, including their full experience (use the “show more” buttons) across 30+ data sources. 

Documentation 2.0

Our documentation has been re-built to reflect the newest updates and features on PeopleGPT 2.0. Read more here, and explore 10+ revamped, detailed pages.

Interested in deploying PeopleGPT to your organization? Book a demo here.

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