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Sep 4, 2024

Shared Searches, Profile View, and Tags

Shared Searches, Profile View, and Tags

David Paffenholz

We're kicking off September with a major product update, including: shared searches, full profile view, profile tags, email analytics, and more.

Shared Searches

Collaborating just got easier. Use shared searches to collaborate with anyone – even if they don’t have a Juicebox account. Just click the “Share Search” button in the top right corner, and recipients will get an overview of the first 30 profiles. Details here.

Click this example shared search!

Full Profile View

Profiles on Juicebox just got a major revamp. Click “View Full Profile" to access an extended, full-screen view of each candidate, giving you a deeper look at their background and qualifications.

Profile Tags

Quickly assess your candidates at a glance with our new profile tags. Over 40 tags provide insights on promotions, experience, education, and skills.

Enhanced Email Analytics

Drive your email outreach with data-backed insights. The Sequences tab now features detailed stats and charts on emails sent, response rates, open rates, and more. Details here.

Detailed Projects Tab

The Projects Tab got a refreshed look. With the updated design, your dashboard now makes it easy to distinguish between public and private projects, see which are open or closed, and track the progress of each project at a glance. Details here.

Try out these updates on Juicebox – live now.

We’d also be glad to discuss further on a call. Please feel free to reach out to or book a demo here.

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